Barrier 2:
Younger employees are overwhelmed

While open and eager to using these resources, Gen Z and Millennials are too overwhelmed to research logistics on how to actually take advantage of them, especially when they’re needed the most.

Burnout further dissuades Gen Z and Millennials, as it causes a lack of time and energy to use the resources.


of younger Millennial and Gen Z feel they don’t have enough time


of full-time employees have mental health days off


“Not many leaders at work can point people in the right direction on how to access these resources.“


Q: You mentioned you haven’t taken advantage of mental wellness resources at your company. Please tell us a little about why.

Young woman standing by her locker at school, holding some books

“I haven’t used my employer provided mental wellness resources because I do not know enough about them, and I feel too busy both at work and home to look into it.“

— Gen Z