Bonus recommendations to increase utilization


Hearing about mental wellness resources from managers and co-workers is the most effective communication method, but currently, the most used channels are emails from HR and company websites.

Organizations are largely on the right track. More Millennials and Gen Z are hearing about these resources from co-workers and managers compared to Boomers and Gen X.


An easier way to transfer care and access to more diverse counselors will increase program utilization.

After included sessions are used, employees want to know they’ll be able to transfer care if needed and have the desire to choose from a variety of qualified counselors and joining methods.


There is the greatest room for improvement among mid-size and large employers.

There is a 95% statistical significance that more Millennials and Gen Z, FTE at smaller companies, and those working in tech have used at least one of the mentioned mental wellness benefits offered by their employer. Mid- to large-size employers impact a greater swath of the workforce, but bureaucracy and less personal communication means benefits may be less utilized.